Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Maybe you would like to add your own New Year's Resolutions by adding your comment at the end of this post!!
Happy New Year!!


  1. My new year's resolution is ave for buy me a bassoon for playing at home on free time that I have.

  2. My new year´s resolution is to change my acttitude and not to answer fast.

  3. My new year´s resolutions is to help more the children that have body problems with more bottle tops, and to spend time and have more fun with my family and my friends.

  4. My new year's resolution is to study more, but having fun.

  5. My new year's resolution is to help my parents at home and also I don´t want to discuss with them so much.

  6. My new year´s resolutions are to collect more bottle tops,to study more,and to help to my mother with the house.

  7. My new year's resolutions are to donate clothes,toys and books I don't utilice to needy people and collect bottle tops to good works(help sick people or needy).In family and studies I haven't got resolutions because all it's nice.(Sara)

  8. My new year's resolutions are say less bad words and don't bait my nails.

  9. My New Year's resolutions are to have better marks talking less,doing the voluntary things and work more hard. And the other New Year's resolution is to don't fight so much with my brother and spend less time with the mobile pone and the PS3 to be more with my family and friends

  10. My New Year's resolution are to spend more time with my family because I always spend all my time in do homework or studying for an exam and to study all the days for have a good mark when I finish 1ESO and no, to repeat it, because that, for me, is terrible.

  11. My new year resolution´s are improving my marks and having a better personality with my family.(Laura)

  12. My New Year's Resolution are to stop biting my nails,to spend more time with mi cousin that is living with me and to study day day,but I thing that that last promise I think that I will chage it and break,because the years I say the same but I never do it...I will try to keep this promises and be better this 2014!

  13. My New Year Resolution
    My new year resolution is:to improve mi marks in the highschool,and to stop beign lazy when i have to study for exams.Also to stop eating mi nais,and to stop figthing with my brother.And to improve how i play football and be a better player

  14. My resolutions for this year 2014 are: have better marks in the notes this year, learn to dance salsa for the wedding of a cousin of my and to improve how I draw.

  15. My new year´s resolutions is to improve my marks on my studies on second term. I will keep this promise until I finish the second term. Also I have to spend more time with my sister, with her english studies and help her a lot. I have to improve it until my sister doesn´t have any problems with her english worksheets.

    I have to study more,have better marks,I dont have to hit to much my brother,dont talk a lot in class and to keep my new year resolutions

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. My new year's resolutions are to improve my marks in the high school,don't get angry with my brother, spend more time studing and make the most of all the time I have with my family and friends. I will try to make my resolutions.
